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Avaliação Pós-Aula
(Fase 3)



A 'Avaliação Pós-Aula' está diretamente relacionada à 'Avaliação em sala de aula'. Durante as primeiras aulas, o professor usa avaliações formativas para medir os processos de aprendizagem e, posteriormente, avaliações somativas para avaliar o progresso em conhecimentos e habilidades. Na seção sobre Avaliação em sala de aula, explicamos como essas duas formas de avaliação são usadas na aprendizagem baseada na força. Os formulários de autoavaliação apoiam a avaliação formativa, enquanto as Rubricas dão espaço para vincular autoavaliações com avaliações somativas.


O Documento de Crescimento visto abaixo pode ser visto como uma 'Meta-Rubrica' onde o professor e o aluno podem acompanhar e medir o progresso do aluno de uma forma mais holística. Esta Rubrica não segue o princípio OICO, mas o desenvolvimento de um aluno em vários domínios vividos desde a sala de aula até a sociedade.


EU Skills Profile
Growth Document
Prior Assessment
In-Class Assessment

Re-Use of Previous Instruments - 

Flexibility urged with post-class assessments

Previous Considerations:

Use it!

All of the instruments that we have presented are flexible. Although the TEACHmi project may use a preferential form or timeline, teachers are invited to find their own way and use the tools to meet their own needs and requirements.


That’s why next to assessment tools, we also provide a Toolbox  with activities that a teacher can use independently in the Classroom, but also Teacher’s Guides that provide teachers with a framework for Classroom Management (See Guide to Strength-Based Learning or Guide to Intercultural Competences).

Pay attention and adapt

  • As all circumstances and students are different, as all multicultural classrooms are demanding, please adapt the instruments to your own context, expectations and goals.

  • Teachers are in the best place to make their own assessment plan and trajectory for their students. You may use, again, all the following links. Or only the ones which you need to evaluate only one dimension: For instance: Professor y is concerned about the evolution of student x in terms of his/her relationships and how he/her is positioned in the class. In this case, Professor y is going to re-use the instruments related more with this dimension (e.g. Sociogram, Context assessment, and so on….) 

  • You can find all of the tools used for Pre- and In-Class Assessments in the links provided below.

References and Useful Links:  

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